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I like that analogy. You're saying that C should only be used in competitions, and not be allowed in the real world, right?

I don't see a problem with using C in the real world, but if you're going to attempt to race on the highway and you don't know how to steer clear of potholes, don't go blaming the car when the wheels fly off. The car requires you to know how to drive at high speeds and a lot of people don't know how to, so instead of being honest with themselves, they look around and conclude that it must be the car's fault, because this many people couldn't possibly be that bad at racing.

It's possible to become a better driver to handle the F1 car, just like it's possible to arrive at the same destination driving a Corolla, just 2 minutes later. If you want the speed though, you have to put in the effort.

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