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Yes, I aim to keep the amount of languages and tools I use to a minimum:

- For simple scripts, use POSIX sh

- For more complex scripts, use Python

- For the same sort of task, use only one tool (e.g., only use Ansible for configuration management, don't mix in Puppet or Chef)


I was thinking more about the user-facing apps you use. Scanning https://github.com/khuedoan/homelab, Gitea is Go, Grafana is Javascript (approximately), Element is Javascript, Dendrite is Go, Vault is Go. K8s itself is Go. Are you planning to run your own email server?

Now I find myself wondering what app choices exist if one were to try to constrain oneself entirely to operating in the Go eco-system, with Javascript only for web clients. That would be quite parsimonious.

Ah, for user-facing apps I prefer Go or Rust for their performance, although it's not a hard requirement.

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