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It was a long time since I had to append "wikipedia" to my search results, but within the last year or so, I find myself doing it more and more.

I use DuckDuckGo, it's really easy to end searches with "w!" and go straight to the Wikipedia page.

I didn't know you could put it at the end! I always bang first and ask questions later.

[edit] Just noticed you also live in Portland like me. If you're a bartender, I bet I've met you haha.

> I always bang first and ask questions later.

Definitely change your ways. It's always better to bang at the end.

I've started going straight to Wikipedia and searching there if I know I'm going to end up there anyway for the same reason, plus I deny Google the search data and ad-serve

Hadn’t actively thought it that but I’ve been doing the same

I do that for everything since a long time. And with the !Bang extension coming to Firefox, customising those searches has become easier too

I do that for Reddit a lot

Yeah I’ve noticed this as well

Here’s a magic trick for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search

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