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Please. No.

The stuff just works.

From the experience of having several critical business SaaS tools go thru constant UX changes that disrespect the user and make the product less stable, I'm actually glad Google still have some respect for the user.

That's why i will gladly buy gsuite for the businesses i provide advice to, yet actively considering replacements of core business infra of which im a power user....for several years.

Its hard to keep something running with no bugs, or downtime.

Its even harder to change something, and keep it bug free, and with no downtime.

Oh, I don't want them to "innovate" like they've done elsewhere, just that they need to continue actually improving their services. I've had lots of interoperability, standards compliance and currency conversion issues with their services and practices, such as that time when I spend something like a year getting false promises from their support about being able to pay them in a different currency from the one with which I'd set up the account. In the end they exhausted the grace period for payment, and just shut down access to my account. Luckily by then I'd shopped around and found (to my surprise) a cheaper alternative which I'm still using.

I think innovation != backwards-incompatible UX changes. There's quite a lot that Excel can do that GSuite can't, for instance. There's probably room for additional features that don't affect current workflows.

You're right, however there are spots where the tools/products have just the 'right amount' of features.

e.g. grep, vim.

Those are both massively bloated in terms of features, IMO. One curse of most open source projects is that features are almost never removed, even when they are obsolete, dangerous or plain stupid.

Just works? Have you tried moving a file in g drive?

I wonder if they ever got Google docs to print/convert to pdf without disrupting the formatting.

I need to do this regularly. The UI for move file is atrocious!

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