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> the vast majority of overflows are indeed logic errors

This topic has turned up before. [0]

edit: I got the default behaviour the wrong way round here:

I think C# gets this right. Ordinarily it handles integer overflow by throwing an exception, but it has an unchecked keyword which gives you wrapping. [1] If you're writing code that is expected to wrap, you use the unchecked keyword, and you carry on using the usual arithmetic operators. (I believe you can also instruct the C# compiler to default to unchecked behaviour, so there's also a checked keyword. This strikes me as a mistake.)

Strictly speaking Java gives you the option of checked vs unchecked integer arithmetic, but with terrible ergonomics: the '+' operator always silently wraps, if you want throw-on-overflow behaviour you have to call a method. [2] This is of course so unsightly that Java programmers tend to stick with the infix arithmetic operators regardless of the wrapping behaviour.

C++ has templates and operator overloading, so you can use a library to get signed arithmetic to wrap, or throw, without undefined behaviour. [3] Such libraries are very rarely used, though.

See also this very good blog post by John Regehr, who specialises in this kind of thing. [4] To quote the post:

> Java-style wrapping integers should never be the default, this is arguably even worse than C and C++’s UB-on-overflow which at least permits an implementation to trap.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26538606

[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-refe...

[2] https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base...

[3] https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_78_0/libs/safe_numerics/doc...

[4] https://blog.regehr.org/archives/1401

What if you write code that doesn't wrap but you don't want the exception or any kind of check either?

That's the whole point of UB. Let the compiler optimize by assuming your integers are in range. I get that it doesn't matter in a language like C#/Java (they are so slow additional checks don't register) but in C throwing has costs and code that wraps would require additional logic on some platforms.

One way or another if you want C to "throw" (trap) you can get that by using compiler flags.

"unchecked" is the default in C#, and "checked" is opt-in, except for compile-time expressions (and System.Decimal, which always throws on overflow).

You can tell the compiler to use "checked" by default for a given project, but it's fairly rare to see that in practice.

I wish it was the other way around, but I guess they didn't consider the overhead of "checked" acceptable as a default back in 1999; and now it's a back-compat issue.

It is being discussed to change the defaults on .NET 7.

C# 11, rather? I wouldn't expect them to change anything on bytecode level, since the choice between wraparound and overflow is always explicit there.

Do you recall where that discussion is taking place? I can't find a proposal to this effect in the usual GitHub repo.

Because the change is on the Visual Studio templates to set the checkbox enabled by default, no need to change the language for something it already supports.

It was mentioned on one of the regular YouTube videos with the team, but I am failing to find it now.

Thanks, I've edited that in.

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