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Okay, yes, you are technically right. What I mean is, making an assumption _other than_ that the code won't alter stack/heap/instruction memory that the implementation is using (e.g. aliasing, overflow, use of NULL)

Sorry, I'm tired of playing whack-a-mole with what are obviously sane assumptions to you. I literally mentioned out-of-bounds writes as a "universal UB" example, you asked me to demonstrate how UB is relevant in a few optimizations, I did, and now you shift goalposts.

My original point was that compilers don't specifically abuse UB to sleight you. You're trying hard to draw a line in the sand between different degrees of UB so that you can label one side as "not sane", with (what appears to be) the sole intent of concluding malice on the compiler author side. Please accept that the related tradeoffs have been discussed, and that a default was chosen (if you are curious for a recent instance of this, see [0]).

If you are ok with leaving performance on the table by disabling overflow being UB, you are literally free to do that. You're also free to lobby the standard bodies to alter their carefully considered choices. But you're not going to get anywhere by labeling any of this "insane".

[0]: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p090...

Isn't TBAA exactly the assumption that the program won't alter the stack/head/instruction memory in an illegal way?

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