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> If they hadn't introduced all 7 seasons of TNG

Thanks for the heads-up, I didn't know that.

Amazon Prime also has all seasons of TNG (and all the other ST series), costs less per year than Netflix, and includes free two-day shipping on all meatspace purchases. The Amazon Prime streaming collection is currently smaller than Netflix, but it's growing rapidly and from the perspective of a sci-fi fan it's almost as complete. If there are only a few shows you want that Amazon Prime lacks, it might actually be cheaper in the long run to buy those shows from Amazon, rather than pay netflix's higher price indefinitely.

I am in the process of cutting the cable, for which purpose I put together an htpc using xbmc on top of xubuntu to watch hulu, Amazon instant videos, and files ripped from my collection of DVDs. I was originally planning to supplement this with netflix on my Wii, but actually dropped the idea: most of my favorite sci-fi shows are free with Amazon Prime (which I already have anyway), and in the long run it's cheaper to buy seasons of my daughter's children's shows (Dora, Backyardigans, etc.) from Amazon rather than pay for Netflix indefinitely. Also, I can watch the Amazon shows on my htpc so I don't have to switch to the Wii to play one of my daughter's shows.

This is fascinating. I'll definitely keep an eye on Prime, especially given that I use Amazon for a significant percentage of my purchases.

We don't watch cable TV either. I've a big plasma TV in the living, with a PS3 and a PC attached to it. We do Netflix on the PS3 (streaming and discs), but so far the PC has only been used for games, some browsing, and the occasional Jon Stewart show.

But all that may change at some point. Thanks for the heads-up.

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