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Online poker has already been evolving in this direction. Any serious player who plays online will use player assistance tools (such as PIOsolver). Top level poker AI such as Pluribus has already proven that it can hold its own and beat the best online players such as linuslove. It is well known that online poker sites are full of poker bots now. There are programs to help users try to tell if they are playing against a bot by seeing how fast it reacts on each hand, for example if it always takes a fixed amount of time on each hand or if there is a pattern.

Yeah, that was the evolution of my thought process. Online poker is already full of bots, which will get more and more sophisticated over time and defeat bot detection hurdles -- so why not embrace it and have bot-only zones? You could have entire tournaments play out in less than a minute if all participants were software.

because humans are the worst players in most cases now. Especially at the lower limit tables. Obviously, you want to play the worst players to make the most money.

I would expect bots to add random delays? They could even determine real player delay distributions and emulate that.

yes, that is the obvious step that bot makers have taken. When bots were barely at the online poker scene, nobody cared to even check. Of course, there are still other ways to check for bots such as a user playing for an unreasonable amount of time or an extraordinary amount of tables, or simply not answering to chat.

The natural next step is adding ELIZA-like chat responses to your bots

"Tell me about want to kick my ass."

GPT-3 would be interesting, especially once multiple bots start chatting to each other.

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