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Never got around to thanking that teacher? (thanksforteaching.us)
135 points by Thun on Sept 14, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 51 comments

I had some great teachers that I will always remember (what they taught me and their physical appearance). However I can't remember any of my teachers' names, whether it was elementary, junior high, or high school, or even university.

I just don't have a good memory of names. This site makes me regret it :-(

Have an old yearbook?

Schools in France don't have yearbooks. At least, it is not a custom of public schools to have them.

My son made a yearbook in class with all his classmates and their birthdays. I think it is to help them learn each others names and the months of the year.

trombi.com doesn't help?

Do elementary schools have yearbooks these days? (I haven't heard of any from my day.)

hopefully we'll be able solve these types of problems in the future by having a name/school/email database that you can pull from. always room to grow.....

Wow... somebody wanting Facebook's data?

Shouldn't it have a search feature? I'd like to check my old highschool/town.

Click "What's This All About" on the top. Search is in the lower left.

We could probably make this featured main page and more explicit, Thanks for pointing this out.

If possible, it would be interesting to see it graphically on a map since it has all the city and states.

good point - we're hoping to build this out and get it up and running soon

I think you definitely need to do this - left the site almost immediately because I couldn't quickly find a way to filter the content to be relevant to me. I love the concept though so having found from this thread that there is a search function, I'm heading back now!

Great idea, I recently (I'm in college now) went back and thanked several of my elementary school teachers who were really excellent. They don't get nearly enough thanks, but I know for damn sure I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

Very true, the feeling of "they don't get nearly enough thanks" is one of the reasons for the site. although sometimes we don't realize it right away, teachers can really change our lives.

I know for damn sure I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

How do you know this?

Because I see bits of them in myself. An example: my sixth grade teacher math teacher frequently said that good mathematicians were lazy, that the simplest solution to a problem was often best, and that we didn't need to use overly complex techniques to solve problems. That's now at the core of my philosophy as a programmer.

How do you know you wouldn't have picked up the same trait from another source?

It's not as if that teacher is unique in advocating simplicity.

Arghh! I had a long thank you written but it got deleted because I didn't fill in one one the fields. Nice idea otherwise.

Same here. Considering how much effort seems to have been put in on the design, I'm kind of disgusted that a flaw like this would go all the way into production.

This is fantastic! I way prefer this positivity over the judgemental tone of websites like ratemyprofessors.com

Would be nice to break this down by region.

Thanks for the kind words, we have been pulling this together over the last few weeks but breakdown by region will be very cool. It has been interesting to see where students are coming from: Kuwait, New Zealand, Brazil, etc.

No thank you sir or madam! I only bring it up as I'm not from the US and would find it interesting to see more about the teachers in my city etc.

Most schools have websites with faculty emails listed... it's very easy to look them up. I like the idea for this site - but would love to see a bigger mechanism for actually getting the messages to the teachers.

It would be nice, for now we have the user pushing it out manually. Is there a database/directory for teachers that we could use for the backend?

I love this idea/website.

I went back to my high-school to borrow a lab coat for a Halloween party and while I was there I ran into a few old teachers and had a chance to thank them and have a good conversation with them. While a lot of kids 'hate' their teachers I seemed to be the near opposite.

Also, I recommend doing this for other things too, for example, I recently had an operation on my hand and the nurses and other staff at the hospital were awesome. I'm going back for a follow-up appointment and I'm going to bring a thank-you card and a couple of flowers to give to the ward.

Thanks for your support and glad you like our site! It's so awesome thinking back to all the great teachers we've had and taking a minute to say thank you. Hopefully we'll be able to connect you directly to them soon!

Great idea on the hospital staff thank you site too :)

Nice idea for a site. I thanked my high school Math teacher who was an amazing teacher and inspired me quite a bit. I just wish he could actually receive the thank you, I have no idea where he is now.

Anyone else interested in the fact that this was built on top of Tumblr? Its pretty awesome how simple this idea is over Tumblr...

it looks really good! seems like they did a great job editing existing tumblr code also

thanks for your support! we had a few amazing people on our team...

I was told to do this in a psych class I took freshman year in college.

I emailed my second grade teacher, who was probably the person that got me into reading. She was extremely grateful, and a decade later still remembered everyone in the class.

Awesome idea and a great way to get positive energy out there - especially since teachers are facing a lot of pressure these days....thanks for putting this together

This is ridiculously awesome, enjoying all the positive vibes and people taking the time to step back and think about who helped them. Keep it up!

would be great to build out this (already awesome) concept a little more. any ideas for expanding it? adding on some partnerships?

Great idea and execution but why only 30 days?

Long story, but it is a campaign under another group for 30 days and after that it should be around for a long time.

these international posts are great! Lovely to see how everyone share the common bond of being inspired by great teachers

beautiful design! just curious, how do you set so that the vertical spacing matches the lines in the paper?

I'm not associated, but it's just fixed line-height. Lines in the paper are every 18px, body line-height is 18px and title line-height is 36px (double). So they align.

just sent this out to a PTA list serve for my school district. Would be cool to get more schools involved

love this! just posted a thank you. What a good opportunity to get back in touch with our teachers

im sure there are som great opportunities for collaborating to set up donations? any ideas?

just forwarded some thanks to my teachers. hoping to get schools involved!

the international responses are so cool! can't wait to share this

this is awesome! GOOD mag should feature...

cool project guys - keep it up

where is the tip jar?


If my teachers would have had their way I'd be working night shifts at a liquor store now.

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