I have noticed that most websites nowadays are built as SPAs (single page applications), whether they be my local utility company, auto insurance, university, apartment's web portal, hospital, etc. Unfortunately I find all to be a degraded experience. They are slow to load content. Content often fails to dynamically load, forcing a full refresh. The back button frequently fails to give me the behavior I expect. Forms often crash. It seems simple mundane operations of clicking and typing frequently fail.
I don't remember the web being this way. It seems the web was much more stable back when most websites were built as MPAs (multiple page applications).
I am curious to know if others have the same observations. If so, I have my suspicions as to why. I suspect the innate complexity of SPAs are overwhelming the technical staff that run these non-technology companies. For example, do you really think the local county utility agency has the right staff to properly build and maintain an SPA site?