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Sadly, this is the type response I always get, around these parts, when I talk about things like kindness, integrity, honesty, and empathy.

In our industry, we get paid a lot, for our ages (I never made as much as even entry-level folks, these days, but I had plenty of money, and still do).

It's not my fault that so many people decide to live beyond their means. Many folks would be crazy grateful for the money we waste on frivolities.

I'm not a threat to anyone here. I live my life, the way I live it. I write the software I write, and I chronicle it here. There are alternative points of view, and alternative ways of living.

I'm almost deliriously happy, in my life now. I never understood how incredibly valuable it is, to be in a position, where my work is not getting turned into raw sewage, by clueless corporations.

There are other measures of success, in life, besides money.

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