Yes, they are pretending to be open source for SEO purposes and that is not okay. They do get the definition of OSS right:
> "Open source support ticket systems are unique in that anyone is free to inspect, modify, and enhance the underlying code that’s used to build the ticketing system."
But then somehow they include Zendesk in the "Top 10 open source helpdesk ticketing systems". Can I see the code used to build Zendesk? Obviously not. Now suddenly the definition of Zendesk is this, which is different from the Open Source definition they themselves quoted:
> Zendesk is an open API ticket system which means third-party developers can build new integrations on our platform. Unlike other open source ticketing systems, Zendesk software offers all the advantages of open source ticketing without your team having to build a system from scratch. Zendesk’s open API ticketing system software gives your team all the tools they need to build as much—or as little—as they want.
I think the page has changed? It doesn't say this now.... also your link to web archive seems to be a save link rather than a link to the captured site
The HN link is to a lower section of the page; if you scroll up you can see a section called "What is an open source ticketing system?". Or, just search for "What is an open source ticketing system?" and you can see it in a part above.
Take a look at xerxes901's comment in this post. Looks like they got through to someone internally. And their comment history checks out; it appears they do with for or with Zendesk.
Not to excuse this, but this has to be coming from a clueless copywriter and just never got reviewed by anyone who actually knows what it means. All they're trying to say is that they have an API so you can build integrations yourself if they don't have what you need off the shelf.
No one who understood both marketing and engineering would ever approve something like this because it wouldn't actually lead to any sales, and if by some crazy chance a buyer naively did purchase based on such a premise it would be a colossal shit-storm once they found out and they'd have to nullify the contract.
I think you pasted the wrong wayback machine url. the url you posted here is to indicate wayback machine to take a snapshot, not to show a snapshot they already archived.
> "Open source support ticket systems are unique in that anyone is free to inspect, modify, and enhance the underlying code that’s used to build the ticketing system."
But then somehow they include Zendesk in the "Top 10 open source helpdesk ticketing systems". Can I see the code used to build Zendesk? Obviously not. Now suddenly the definition of Zendesk is this, which is different from the Open Source definition they themselves quoted:
> Zendesk is an open API ticket system which means third-party developers can build new integrations on our platform. Unlike other open source ticketing systems, Zendesk software offers all the advantages of open source ticketing without your team having to build a system from scratch. Zendesk’s open API ticketing system software gives your team all the tools they need to build as much—or as little—as they want.
Open API !== Open Source ticket system
PS, archived: