[this is not medical advice]
Some things that may modulate the immune system are: vitamin D3, intestinal worms, exercise, diet / fasting, and gradual stimulation of the immune response ("desensitisation").
Off-topic: interesting that we often see IANAL, but very rarely IANAD (I am not a doctor) around here. Either there's a lot of doctors here, or people are more comfortable giving medical than legal advice, which is weird, as medical advice can have very serious consequences.
I think it's just default recognised that you're not getting a doctor's medical advice, particularly not for you, through an internet forum. So, someone would have to tell you they are a doctor, and you'd still not get their medical advice unless you had a consultation with them. That last bit being similar to lawyers reminding people "IAAL but I'm not your lawyer".
Propolis and Cinnamomum verum are great immunomodulators for autoimmune diseases. Echinacea is sold as an immune system booster, and it is a firm nope.