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Germany raises prospect of shutting telegram (bloomberg.com)
17 points by indus on Jan 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I wonder how they will be able to do this. Russia tried before with limited success and much better control over there whole network I remember. They can force Google and apple to remove it from stores, but that will only keep new users from finding it easily (maybe make updates harder). I wonder if such moves would actually hurt telegram and their business models they are exploring. Probably they would rather become yet another messenger and would have hugely increased cost for following all those orders.

Was surprised to see Germany in the list of countries who ban "stuff" -- Russia, China, India, Middle east are the usual suspects.

If more people spoke german or germans spoke english more people would understand germany is far from what it seems. I remember trump being rightfully so shutdown for pushing “clean coal”. Well germany is now pushing europe to adopt it. Germany “welcomes” refugees? Well sure if they are happy to be subject rampant racism. Clean cars? Dieselgate. EVs? Not so fast - years of delays thanks to conspiracy theories and later market impediments to prevent teslas from mass adoption. List goes on and on.

And I heard the phrase “massive pandemic of the unvaccinated” from a German politician

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