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Anonymous Member Banned By Court From Using His Real Name Online (techdirt.com)
100 points by CodeMage on Sept 13, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

The other thing that tickled me was (this is from the Forbes article):

"A 17-year-old student who cannot be named for legal reasons"

Yeah, I appreciate why that is and why it makes sense, but it doesn't make it any less ironic that somebody from 'Anonymous' can't be named in the coverage of this case.

Well, he wouldn't be anonymous then, would he?

This seems like a sort of failed attempt to apply the "released but cannot associate with [previous associates]" bail condition to the internet. The first attempt was: can use the internet, but can't post on social networks; and then that was narrowed to, can post on social networks, but can't post with your 'normal' identity to your existing networks.

At last, the court has discovered the deadly weakness of hackers to being forced to use their legal names!

Wait, what?

The decision makes a very, very sad statement about the court's understanding of the issues at hand.

Oh no! That means he can't use Google +!

That's ok though. This is exactly the type of riffraff that Google wants to keep out of its gated community.

That and anyone who has a stalker, or is not out of the closet, or is a political activist in a non-democracy, etc. Google doesn't like those people.

There is no such thing as a "real name" anyway. The whole idea is quite silly. Is Lady Gaga allowed on Google+?

What about Pilot Inspektor? That poor child is going to have fun getting on G+ when he's old enough.


There is such thing as a "legal name", though.

In Germany there's something as a "real name".

Does this mean he's barred from making purchases online with credit cards taken out in his name?

Unless his credit card only has his first name on it, no. Did you read the article?


I know his first name is the offending name. I doubt his credit card only says "Peter" on it.

deleted for ignorant sarcasm. :)

Bad news for Cher if she ever joins Anonymous.

What self respecting hacker would use his real name online?


I'm not going to read the article so I can continue to believe this is little Bobby Tables: http://xkcd.com/327/

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