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Wondering what is your business model - i.e. how do you plan to make money, given that maps app comes preinstalled and does instant search (I only typed in ghi and the suggestion include Ghirardelli Chocolate Co, Chicago). Though there isn't a link to yelp or yahoo review in the balloon, on selecting it I do get reviews, images, ratings from the site I'd care for. How much more does it add to the user experience by mashing up gowala and foursquare checkin data?

Have you thought of something like bringing together wishlist + local deals for places - say I add to list Ghirardelli and when there's a deal available there - I get notified about the deal. You can provide the businesses with a deal-hype building based on which they can plan their deals ahead of time. More fun stuff can be thought of with these on the user side too ... as which places are getting hotter and might be deal prone soon

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