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A few suggestions: 1. Prepare answers to basic questions about your business before you go on stage/interview. Practice with someone. 2. Actively listen and try to understand what the interviewer is asking for. Don't answer question B when interviewer is asking question A. 3. Think about what use cases your product could quickly become a hit with. Keep some examples ready.

Having said that, I tried out your webapp, and really like the speed of search as well as the quick zoom in and out based on how many search results you found. Get someone to help you with interaction and visual design so you can polish the look, feel and experience. Also try to think through all the steps a user would go through to achieve their goal when they come to your website.


Thanks a lot for your suggestions. They are all very valid. (1) I should admit we didn't do any preparation before the interview since we didn't think we could get selected. (2) When I watched the video tonight, I also noticed that I should have let Paul finish his questions before trying to answer them. For Harj, I had a hard time hearing his questions possibly due to the distance, even though you guys could hear him clearly through his microphone. (3) We will improve the UI of our site.

I should emphasize that we currently use OmniPlaces.com to demonstrate our backend technologies. Our main focus is companies who can use our search technologies. Our goal is not to compete with Google Local. We want to develop OmniPlaces as a site that can aggregate information from other sites, such as Yelp and Foursquare, which can provide valuable information to end users.

Thank you.

Chen Li

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