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How does that work in the browser context? Just one long-living HTTP request that the server streams messages too? How does the browser reply? It's hard to understand how it's duplex and real-time over just HTTP without making more than one HTTP request.

You have two sockets, one eternal response with transfer-encoding: chunked, which is basically <hex_length>\r\n<data>\r\n\r\n over and over again, so very compact.

On the browser to server it gets a bit heavier because you need GET /path?data=<message> HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: kinda.verbose.com\r\n\r\n and then each request gets a response that can be either zero so 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n or contain a sync. response. It looks bad but trust me that verbosity is a rounding error when it comes to the real bottleneck which is CPU concurrent atomic parallelism, and for that you basically need to use Java:

https://github.com/tinspin/rupy/wiki (Most people disagree but the VM + GC and Javas memory model allows for atomic shared memory like none other, not even C/C++ can compete because you need a VM with GC to make that memory model work, they tried to copy it into C++11 and that was a faceplant of epic proportions that is still C++ memory model).

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