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Google push their "openness" in their marketing to Android users. It's part of the sales patter. It is sold as if it develops in the open and their whole stack is OSS. It isn't. If you present yourself as a paragon of virtue and suggest that you product is entirely open, when it turns out you aren't as open as you make out, people will complain.

As for your reason why OSS is better; none of that is relevant to consumers, who account for the largest part of the market by far. How many consumers are going to fork Android realistically? None. Don't get me wrong OSS software is a great thing and has it's place commercially too, but you present your argument as if it is black and white; as if anything closed is evil. It is not.

"However, I don't care what kind of software you use, so please spare me the discussion." That was pointlessly aggressive. If you want to engage in adult conversation, I suggest that you rethink your approach. I must ask, at what point did I or any other commenter start reeling off what software they use, and evangelising their world view as the one true view?

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