I interviewed for a position in a bank central. Everybody with shirt and tie, but the bad thing is that it was an open plan with more than a hundred screaming programmers. Why was everybody so loud I can't understand.
The idiot that I had the displeasure to talk to was proud of the hellish environment, hero culture and seemed to think that they had some kind of bleeding edge tech there. I needed just a couple of questions to realize that it was crap.
The recruiter had driven me there. He asked if I thought I passed. "I surely hope I didn't!!"
The idiot that I had the displeasure to talk to was proud of the hellish environment, hero culture and seemed to think that they had some kind of bleeding edge tech there. I needed just a couple of questions to realize that it was crap.
The recruiter had driven me there. He asked if I thought I passed. "I surely hope I didn't!!"