If you don’t like to read, either learn to or find yourself a new career.
This is so true. About two years ago I realized that a significant chunk of my time was reading. I would read howtos, api docs, in depth analysis of things, both directly related to my job that day and programming in general. I did an analysis and realized that I was easily reading the equivalent of a 1000 page book a week. I have since taken efforts to both increase the quantity and quality of my reading, and it has paid off. I actively seek out topics I am ignorant of, and deeper articles on topics that have interested me. I also try to look at tools I don't expect ever to use. In all these cases I just read. This has given me a breadth I hadn't enjoyed before, and I suddenly have access to a whole new understanding when I and my co-workers encounter problems -- "hey let's look over here for ideas, that field has encountered similar problems"
I disagree with this. There is a point at which I need to just be done with an issue for now. This give me a chance to background process the problem. The number of times the answer "just comes to me" while doing something else has given me a certain amount of faith in temporarily walking away from the problem. A lot of people call this the "shower solution".
I have, on occasion, intentionally left a program in a state that would generate a compile error to give me a place to start the next day.
Edit: Incidentally, I do agree with the sentiment in the article, though, which is that you should develop in manageable chunks and avoid derailing so far from a working program that you can't see the results of your work within a reasonable amount of time.
If you are truly banging your head against a wall getting some distance can help. I'm just a stubborn mofo and can't relax if I have series ongoing bugs. They haunt and torture me -- so I prefer to terminate them before moving on to something else.
This is so true. About two years ago I realized that a significant chunk of my time was reading. I would read howtos, api docs, in depth analysis of things, both directly related to my job that day and programming in general. I did an analysis and realized that I was easily reading the equivalent of a 1000 page book a week. I have since taken efforts to both increase the quantity and quality of my reading, and it has paid off. I actively seek out topics I am ignorant of, and deeper articles on topics that have interested me. I also try to look at tools I don't expect ever to use. In all these cases I just read. This has given me a breadth I hadn't enjoyed before, and I suddenly have access to a whole new understanding when I and my co-workers encounter problems -- "hey let's look over here for ideas, that field has encountered similar problems"
I disagree with this. There is a point at which I need to just be done with an issue for now. This give me a chance to background process the problem. The number of times the answer "just comes to me" while doing something else has given me a certain amount of faith in temporarily walking away from the problem. A lot of people call this the "shower solution".