I would advise not to make a big deal about it. Someone who looked at the project from far away made bad comments on it. This is actually very common. When things start working and sell, all this is forgotten quite quickly and life goes on.
Your boss feels like he has to act as a customer to his engineers. I am not sure this is the best way to manage engineers. Anyway take this for granted and act as a supplier towards him: defend your work, the team, blame unclear and changing requirements, hide your work from scrutiny and claim you will improve processes and communication, remain positive but vague on details.
Your boss feels like he has to act as a customer to his engineers. I am not sure this is the best way to manage engineers. Anyway take this for granted and act as a supplier towards him: defend your work, the team, blame unclear and changing requirements, hide your work from scrutiny and claim you will improve processes and communication, remain positive but vague on details.