Not really an option; when the government wants something they’re basically your enemy. Who cares if China knows everything about me, they can’t get to me, whereas the USA government just has to issue some legal threat and I can’t stop it. China isn’t my enemy and can’t do shit to me. The USA gov might be someday.
They're not your enemy _now_ and yes they can affect your life. You seem to be thinking about it as if someone in the CCP will wake up one day and decide to do something about "ok_dad". You're not alone in the country, right? There are other people that influence your life. While you may not be directly targeted, you can be indirectly affected by their ability to influence _other people around you_.
And when it comes to data, individual data is not that useful, it's aggregate data that's useful, which is why we _collectively_ have to prevent this from happening. For example, you don't have to give me your phone number, it's sufficient that your friend who called you gives me access to his contact list.
> The USA gov might be someday.
Two things can be bad at the same time. You could be enabling a foreign country to affect your life, and you could be targeted by the US government.