> to distract from the actual disgusting things they do.
I dislike war and all its horrors as well, but curious, what do you think would happen if a 'magic' event occurred and the US decommissioned its military presence and all advanced technology, command center software etc.. (MSFT/PLTR/etc) ? Surely no other country would abuse this in the next 100 years right? right?
> I dislike war and all its horrors as well, but ...
> Surely no other country ...
I'm not anti-American. I'm anti-unchecked-capitalism. But I understand to most Americans that's tomato tomato potato potato.
Corporations need to be stripped of their rights so the result (tax law) looks closer to what existed in the 60's so they have enough cash to educate their citizens on basic common sense. A country that spends trillions on Pentagon and defense but is unable to provide basic healthcare, min. wage, 30 days paid vacation for every employee is simply a backward land of hillbillies and trailer park trash. No country hates their poor as much as Americans.
For sure it's profitable keeping most citizens dumb and below the poverty line, but it's unhealthy. And it also violates all laws of human decency. Especially when they're also in the business of tone-policing the rest of the world and exporting their "values" with foreign policies.
I really want the US to be a role-model because the world needs one. But bloody hell they should try a little harder and start treating their own people like people.
Understand that most Americans who oppose this don't hate their fellow citizens; they see their government as an unwieldy monster bigger than any corporation, and they just want to put on the brakes.
I dislike war and all its horrors as well, but curious, what do you think would happen if a 'magic' event occurred and the US decommissioned its military presence and all advanced technology, command center software etc.. (MSFT/PLTR/etc) ? Surely no other country would abuse this in the next 100 years right? right?