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Abortion isn’t primarily a religious debate in the US. There is a broad consensus view that elective abortion should be illegal after the first trimester: https://apnews.com/article/only-on-ap-us-supreme-court-abort.... Even highly secular countries like France draw the line at the end of the first trimester, because after that point the fetus looks a lot like a baby (has a face, fingers, toes, etc): https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/13-weeks-p...

Roe continues to be controversial because it prohibits states from adopting abortion laws that reflect the consensus view. Roe mandates elective abortions until viability, which is toward the end of the second trimester. Roe is thus opposed by many people who don’t believe that life begins at conception for religious reasons. Those people oppose Roe for whatever moral reasons that drive highly secular countries like France to prohibit abortions in the second trimester.

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