Probably the same one that Doctorow has used to monetize all his Creative Commons novels. It's jarring that I can freely read every book he's ever written (or at least most of them), but not a short blog post about a laptop.
It's like if Ubuntu's package manager started selling the ability to read reviews of the different packages. Canonical has already built a company around giving away an entire operating system for free.
I read two articles by Doctorow about his decisions about, and involvement around, copyright [0][1]. I didn't pick up on anything relating to how his decision to use CC affects monetization.
So assuming that Doctorow makes a living off of royalties of printed books, as well as speaking engagement fees, I don't think that this model is widely replicable, especially when it comes to currently paywalled content (like from Substack, WSJ, the Economist, NYT, etc), right?
It's like if Ubuntu's package manager started selling the ability to read reviews of the different packages. Canonical has already built a company around giving away an entire operating system for free.