Honestly, everyone should read this article about cultural appropriation[0]. I don't really know if emulating AAVE is "cultural appropriation" unless it's used to cheapen or degrade people, particularly black people you come in contact with, as you say is your intent.
I feel like that's a lot easier, the copying this or that saying isn't really an issue, it's more of respecting people right? That's easily a universal good that isn't hard to understand and gets directly to the underlying issue rather than surface level prescriptions for behavior (don't copy this language, etc).
I feel like that's a lot easier, the copying this or that saying isn't really an issue, it's more of respecting people right? That's easily a universal good that isn't hard to understand and gets directly to the underlying issue rather than surface level prescriptions for behavior (don't copy this language, etc).
[0] https://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/09/the-question-of-cultu... the by-line is helpful: "It's more helpful to think about exploitation and disrespect than to define cultural 'ownership'"