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The passive-aggression will only get you so far... here's the comment you seem to have already forgotten replying to:

> Anyone trying to shickle a few dollars from the medical system to provide "pre-natal diagnosis" without sound science - they can come burn in the same hell I live in every day.

Where's the ambiguity?! How much more clear could this be?

> Anyone trying to shickle a few dollars from the medical system to provide "pre-natal diagnosis" without sound science


Or is it that you don't understand why someone would be angered by people pedaling prenatal diagnosis based on unsound science for personal gain? And doubly so someone who experienced so much pain after these types of tests failed them?

> You seem to be really dramatically upset about this

So you can pick up an emotional cue! (Well... actually you still seem unsure despite me being very clearly upset, so still have some ways to go.)

Yes, I'm very upset I had to tell what I assume is a grown adult that casually asking people if they wish they had aborted their child is not ok!

And as I write that I have to say: if you actually do have some medical situation that affects your non-verbal skills, then I do apologize for being harsh.


Otherwise if you really want me to feel better soon, stop with the flimsy runabout and be better.

You are repeatedly making very strong, incorrect (quite aggressively insulting) claims about my intentions based on your own invented assumptions, despite having been told directly that you were incorrect.

You now claim that actually I am lying about what my intentions were. You insist that I was previously intending to be insulting and cruel and that by (a) apologizing for being insensitive and (b) denying that was my original intention I am being “passive aggressive”.

(To what end do you think I would do this, and who do you think my “aggression” is aimed at? You think I am just trolling you for my own amusement?)

I don’t see any way of convincing you otherwise here; continuing this conversation seems futile. Have a good day.

* * *

Edit: for the record, my top comment upthread is currently at net +25 votes. Apparently a whole lot of other people also found the top-level comment very confusing/ambiguous.

I love this.

I ask a very simple question:

> Anyone trying to shickle a few dollars from the medical system to provide "pre-natal diagnosis" without sound science - they can come burn in the same hell I live in every day.

Where's the ambiguity?

And there is none so you're forced to divert the conversation to... literally anything but that.

"I don't see any way of convincing you that incredibly direct statement was ambiguous" would have been shorter, no?


Continuing this conversation was futile the moment you decided to lie instead of admitting there was no ambiguity and you had just asked a stranger if they wish they had aborted their child for no good reason.

And who knows. Maybe despite appearances some basic understanding of why you don't make statements like the ones you did so casually... has permeated into your subconscious after being schooled on the concept for this many words?

I guess the world will never know

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