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well, executive function issues are quiet heritable

Heritable as in genetic, or heritable as in learned behavior?

Edit: I love twin studies for exploring this sort of nature/nurture issue. Here's one for executive function that looks at both identical & fraternal twins, and their conclusion is a heavy genetic influence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2762790/

perhaps both! i'm currently exploring gabor maté's theory that it's a combination of genetically predisposed sensitivity and insecure modes of parental attachment

I wonder if the two might combine in an epigenetic effect?

Doesn’t matter for the sake of this argument.

It matters for the sake of discussion and sharing knowledge. In the context of this article it also seems to matter what influence parents have over executive function and where that influence comes from. Why wouldn't that be relevant?

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