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Seconded. I have found the Pomodoro method is a great way to stay focussed. I even use the pomodoro mode in Spacemacs and there are simple apps available for iOS/Android.

For being interrupted by apps I generally invert control E.g. - Disable notifications and decide to check a few times a day instead

- Close apps when I’m focussing.

For being interrupted by humans - Make good use of a calendar and let people know my availability

- Use calendar to block of focussing time for tasks requiring periods of longer concentration

- Not be afraid to say I’m in the middle of something I’ll come find you in a bit unless it’s urgent when prodded physically.

- Changing my status message on instant messaging apps/web meeting apps to let people know I’m not always monitoring them (e.g. “I check for DM’s multiple times a day”) to set a level of expectation.

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