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I just keep the 'busy' hours for other people. Thankfully WFH has made it easy. Basically 11AM-7PM are for other people to interrupt me, and for calls. I stay only half-engaged with chats and emails so it doesn't cost in me my cognitive budget and I get a lot of stuff done within the household. Either 7AM-11AM or 7PM-11PM, depending on circumstances, I do work. You know, the 15 minutes of real actual work mentioned in Office space. This is when other people are away and I get to focus. Thankfully my company culture is good and nature of my job allows me to only sit and mash keyboard couple hours a week or so, rest is thinking, or light research.

Overall, I don't engage with $JOB more than 8 hours on any given day and never on a weekend. It works for me, and my boss nor team have complained so far. I'm not sure how long the party will last, though.

If nobody has noticed yet, chances are nobody will. Just be careful that your self-esteem isn't destroyed by the lack of engaging work.

This is basically what I do too. It works fairly well, if I have an open day.

Setting aside “helping” time and “focus” time is extremely useful if you can avoid meetings during your focus times; although it is also difficult for me to focus when I have something happening soon (meetings at end of focus time, etc)

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