I’ve been half seriously looking for equipment (squat rack, bar, bench) for a little while but am having a hard time of it. Can you recommend your gear? I’m also in Melbourne so brands specifically would be helpful.
Little Bloke Fitness in Reservoir! They are absolutely awesome, very good, local product for a reasonable price.
Most of my gear was 360 Strength.
- 360 Strength Heavy Duty Squat Rack, with spotter bars.
- 360 Strength Olympic EZ Curl Bar (Nickel - Bushings)
- 360 Strength PRO Olympic 20kg Barbell (Hard Chrome - Full Black - Bearings)
- 1RM Commercial Flat Bench 1RM-CFB
- 360 Strength STANDARD Weight Tree with Barbell Holder
- 360 Strength Olympic Rubber Coated Weight Plate: 2x 1.25, 4x 2.5, 4x 5, 4x 10, 2x 20 kg.
- 8x 15mm Command Classic Rubber Gym Flooring Black
- 360 Strength Nylon Olympic Locking Collars (very quick and easy to lock one handed, moderate grip - great for curls, presses etc)
- 360 Strength 360 Strength Aluminium Olympic Locking Collars (harder/two handed, very solid grip - great for deadlifts)
- Since added: 25kg PRO HG Bumper Plates (1 pair)
I would have considered the more premium 1RM rack if I had the height in the garage, however the 360 is perfectly fine and a perfect fit - 1RM would have helped on chin ups, myself being moderately tall.
This is a very competent setup, and I still can't quite believe what a difference it makes especially as I WFH. All the best!
Thanks so much for this it's going to help a tonne. When I get a chance I'll pop over and have a chat with them. Casually searching different stores and deals online was a horrible experience, so this is a great motivator to finally pick up some gear.