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> But please stop dissuading engineers from attempting to run their own mail infrastructure if desired.

I don't think we're trying to dissuade them. I think we're fighting the insidious memes of "Look, it's easy! I did it in 5 minutes!" which perpetuates a potentially hazardous misunderstanding. If you don't do e-mail right, you can end up sending or receiving an important piece of official mail that nobody will ever read. Job offers gone unseen, billing reminders turned invisible, customer service tickets lost, warranty redemption missed, urgent family notices not gotten in time, etc. We're just saying it's much more nuanced and unintuitive than just turning on the software.

It's like the blind leading the blind: somebody's going to end up in a pit. We're putting caution tape around the pit. They can still choose to go under it and explore.

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