These levels are learned by software engineers on introduction to compilers.
«A Compiler is a software that typically takes a high level language (Like C++ and Java) code as input and converts the input to a lower level language at once.»
A translator from assembly language programs to machine language programs.
A translator from “high-level” language programs into programs in a lower-level language.
A translator from high-level language programs into programs in a different high-level language.»
«The compiler is software that converts a program written in a high-level language (Source Language) to low-level language (Object/Target/Machine Language).»
«A Compiler is a software that typically takes a high level language (Like C++ and Java) code as input and converts the input to a lower level language at once.»
«Assembler A translator from assembly language programs to machine language programs.
Compiler A translator from “high-level” language programs into programs in a lower-level language.
Transpiler A translator from high-level language programs into programs in a different high-level language.»
«The compiler is software that converts a program written in a high-level language (Source Language) to low-level language (Object/Target/Machine Language).»