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And you can raise the error if that index is actually out of bounds. I don't see why the wrapping specifically is the problem here, the only unsafety is indexing operation itself.

Sure, Rust for example will let you do that (although in debug builds it will panic unless you explicitly said this is what you intended). However from a correctness point of view, it is extremely unlikely that things[n] is doing what you intended if n wrapped.

Most likely you thought you were harmlessly increasing n, after all it's an unsigned integer, and you added something to it. But when it wrapped, adding something to it made it decrease dramatically and you probably didn't consider that.

This can be punished by bad guys, where you expected a value like 10 or maybe 420 instead the bad guys provide a huge number, you do some arithmetic with their huge number, you wrap the offset to the very start of your data structure. Now it's inside the bounds, but not where you expected at all.

This is why people talk about "hoping you get a segfault" in languages like C++ because the alternative is much worse.

If you need to care about this (fiddling with files somebody provided e.g. by uploading or emailing them to you is an obvious place this comes up in web services) you should use WUFFS to do that. You can't make this mistake in WUFFS.

I agree that domain-specific ranged types as found in Ada are close to ideal. Unbounded integers or naturals are second best. Wrapping and checked arithmetic are distant thirds, but I don't think either is intrinsically superior to the other in terms of safety. It depends on the program's specific design IMO, but if we're talking about a C-like language where checked arithmetic is not common, I still think it's clear that indexing should be unsigned. Not the approach I'd take in a new language of course.

The pointer arithmetic you describe is the real source of most unsafety. The reason most C/C++ programmers prefer segfaults is because such arithmetic lacks bounds checking.

Thanks for the reference to WUFF though, looks cool.

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