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This was a great read and goes to show how broken email has become… I often wonder if we will ever migrate to something better collectively, or we end up on a variety of different communication platforms.

I very rarely use e-mail for anything. Most interactions are via whatsapp, telegram. Not sure if it counts as a better alternative.

Yes, if you think about it it's weird how govt. application forms have an email field. Perhaps email should be nationalized.

nationalized by which government?

Here's a list of nationalized postal services: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_postal_servic...

Nationalized digital mail isn't that much of a stretch. You can still run private digital mail, just like you can hire private physical mail couriers.

But probably it won't happen. Capitalist countries prefer private industry does things. E-mail could become a regulated utility, though.

My point (albeit subtly made) was that there isn't a central authority that controls emails, you can't just buy emails and then run it as a national service. And that's before you look into which government runs what.

All of them ofc. Instead of a few companies controlling an essential service, what's stopping a government from offering every citizen an address at yourid@govmail.country?

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