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It’s useful when working with bits and bytes and stuff. Aside from that, I fully agree.

I think the programmer should be able to specify what happens on overflow.

Maybe they're bit twiddling and silent wrapping is expected. Maybe they want the program to hard fault. Both are valid.

Perhaps you'd like Rust, where all the choices are offered, as functions on integers such as:

carrying_add (separate carry flag on input and output)

checked_add (result is None if it would overflow)

unchecked_add (explicitly unsafe, assumes overflow will never occur)

overflowing_add (like carrying_add but does not provide carry flag input)

saturating_add (the integer "saturates" at its maximum or, in the opposite direction, minimum - useful for low-level audio code)

wrapping_add (what C does for unsigned integers)

Rust also has variants that handle potentially confusing interactions e.g. "I have a signed integer, and I want to add this unsigned integer to it". With 8-bit integers, adding 200 to -100 should be 100, and Rust's provided function does exactly what you expected, whereas in C you might end up casting the unsigned integer to signed and maybe it works or maybe it doesn't. Likewise for "What's the magnitude of the difference between these two unsigned integers?" Rust provides a function that gets this right, without needing to consult a textbook for the correct way to tell the compiler what you want.

If you can't afford to ever get it wrong, WUFFS simply forbids overflow (and underflow) entirely, WUFFS programs that could overflow aren't valid WUFFS programs and won't compile.

Right, but in almost all languages one of the possible options is chosen by default because people want "+" to do something instead of having to specify each time. My personal opinion is that "+" should trap by default and the various other behaviors that are available (which 'tialaramex lists below as examples of which Rust provides) via some other mechanism. Some languages (C, C++) do it yet another wrong way in that "+" does a thing and there is no other way to do addition, and it's even worse because they picked one of the bad ones to use as a default.

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