I understand that this is the vision used to sell tokens but that's why I asked what reason we have to think that Ubisoft will start doing something which they could already do any time they want without sharing revenue. Their terms of service are what they are because that's how they want them to be, and there's nothing forcing them to use NFTs at all much less implement them with far more generous terms of service.
This is the only way their tokens would sell themselves (and arguably more so) is if they guarantee that even if you lost your account, you could still transfer your NFTs to a new account. Also the ability to sell games you've bought is pretty awesome. Heck under this scheme, if you buy a game plus DLC but you already own the base game, it should let you gift / sell the game to a friend if you paid the full amount of the game + DLC.
I seem to remember a time when people were able to sell games and buy games on the Steam market.
Why should we believe that gamers will reverse all of their past history and start demanding the ability to resell games? They could do that now, and that would avoid the substantial extra cost of the NFTs.