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Young adults aren't breaking into streaming devices to extract the CDM keys. They also aren't running trackers like Orpheus and Redacted. Those are small examples, but I'm not sure I understand how young adults would ever have the mobility and network to do these things.

George Hotz (geohot) was a teenager when he cracked the iPhone and was 20 when he cracked the PS3. So...yes, young adults certainly can extract keys if they have the time and motivation, and being young adults they often have plenty of time on their hands.

Using George Hotz as an example is pretty disingenuous. He is clearly not your average young adult, even for the average of HN.

That was some funny stuff. Watching this guy make Sony freak out and chase after him down the street with lawyers. Halt varlet, for I shalt sue!

Er, you may not have been a young adult with l33t hardware hacking skills, but others were.

Odd comparison, I wasn't basing this off of my experience as a young adult.

They are. Plenty of them are more than talented enough for it.

Can you provide a counter-example or is this all anecdotes?

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