Legend. Ants. Bees. Learning. The essence of science.
He came up in casual conversation yesterday, re science and learning math, as well as how tough learning math can be once you're older. (He famously attempted to learn calculus in his 30s, and had a struggle, despite already being a Harvard professor, and world-class scientist)
It is remarkable, and wholly admirable, that he tried to learn calc later in life; it is even more remarkable that he admitted his struggle! His genuine humility and curiosity came across in spades in his wonderful little book "Consilience", so this anecdote doesn't surprise me.
Math is a struggle for everyone. When the Egyptian ruler Ptolemy I asked whether geometry could not be made easier, Euclid is said to have replied: 'There is no royal road to geometry'.
He came up in casual conversation yesterday, re science and learning math, as well as how tough learning math can be once you're older. (He famously attempted to learn calculus in his 30s, and had a struggle, despite already being a Harvard professor, and world-class scientist)