> The company’s support page also cites the General Data Protection Regulation compliance and freeing database space as the main reason why they delete unused accounts.
Oh wow. That 1k of database data must really be dragging down their system.
Seriously, what kind of child's-first-attempt-to-use-a-database system are they using where this is even a consideration? :(
It could have been 1 kilobyte, but after numerous decisions to track everything to the Nth degree, the account was closer to 400 petabytes.
When I contracting at a large tech company, so had to implement a service that would delete any personally identifying information from the database for users that had been inactive for more than 18 months. Essentially this meant dynamically scanning the entire database schema for any columns that had a user ID and deleting any matching records. It was kind of a fun project.
Oh wow. That 1k of database data must really be dragging down their system.
Seriously, what kind of child's-first-attempt-to-use-a-database system are they using where this is even a consideration? :(