My issues isn't just with regards to this paper, but with the general narratives that are being spun around weed. They're not objective IMO and there is some sort of societal pressure against seeking truth. That's how I feel with proponents of weed. Don't get me wrong - personally, Marijuana is a lot of fun but I'd want to not get carried away. I also believe in individual liberty and I don't condone banning weed.
> They're not objective IMO and there is some sort of societal pressure against seeking truth
In my (speculative) opinion, it's not "societal pressure" but rather "capitalism pressure" narrating the recent weed uprise. As in, the opportunity to capitalize on weed has been pushing the narrative that it's a harmless cool drug.
The risks of heavy cannabis use are well documented and easily available to those who care to research it. For example, try CTRL+F "cannabis" on
Once again, just like alcohol and tobacco, capitalism wins over public health.