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Book Conan's TV studio on AirBnB (airbnb.com)
134 points by thinker on Sept 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

For the curious:

> Hi there, we're TeamCoco, the digital team behind "Conan". We're looking for a few people to stay in our studio while they visit Los Angeles. You'll be filmed and be featured on our show. (MUST be okay with being filmed.) Message us for more details.

Not sure it's such a great idea to rent the studio as a place to crash : I've been told it gets noisy in the afternoon, and that one may hear voices saying "oh it's goooood".

Nobody is going to rent this space because they need somewhere to sleep. They're going to rent it to get on the set of the Conan show.

(The fine print of the notice says that whoever signs up for this will be featured on the show, and that all applicants "must" be comfortable being filmed.)


AirBnB, can you post how you did the Conan listing? I'm interested in how you executed this.

Seems like a poor choice to force logged in users to accept new TOS before seeing anything; not being able to view the listing without agreeing or logging out was annoying.

Odd, I could view the listing no problem. I'm not signed up with AirBnB at all.

I'm guessing you were an older user, and when sites change TOS, they're required to ask older members to review the new TOS. However new users haven't agreed to the old TOS and thus they won't get the popup.

Hopefully anonymous crackheads don't destroy the place.

they were methheads, gnu6, methheads

Dang you HN... Dang you to Heck! I have managed to so far find reason on many occasions to avoid LA, and certainly to also avoid signing up for AirBnB. And now in one masterful stroke you have managed to get me excited to do both. I can only hope that Team Coco isn't part of your diabolical scheme and will turn down my petition in my own self interest...

LA is a beautiful place! Its in your best interest to visit.

Why are you actively trying to avoid LA and AirBnB?

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