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I feel it's not super effective to define the axis in terms of solutions, unless that is explicitly the objective of the angle, but for me I want a society where you are free to do whatever you want personally as long as it doesn't harm others (because I wouldn't want what others are doing to harm me in turn). And where each individual is maximally provided opportunity and wealth to enable them to do as much as they'd want and to meet all their needs.

Basically, I'd like to optimize for the most people to be happy, and have what they need and want, and to be able to express themselves and be who they are freely with the least amount of friction and effort required of each individual.

I think this is what defines my political position and my political goal, so what do you call that? I tend to feel progressives are the ones who share that same goal.

Things like self-authonomous zones, corporate run cities, immigration restrictions, etc. those all seem like mechanisms and solutions to try and build a system that optimize for some goal, but what goal is that?

For example, I think of conservatives as those who want to optimize for a return to religious practices, restricted social norms, not be free to do as you please or be who you are, but instead must choose between one of the roles pre-defined for your gender and appearance, etc. Optimize for inherited status, class seperation, and a pyramid of wealth/power.

Similarly I think of libertarian as those who want to optimize for winner take all, they want the most risk taking and luckiest to be rewarded with disproportionate wealth/status/benefits. Instead of optimizing for as even a distribution as possible in happiness and freedom, they'd rather optimize for skewed distributions instead.

I might have gotten some of those wrong, but my point is that I'd rather discuss goals when it comes to political axis, since I'm open to all approach that proves itself to best deliver on my goals.

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