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I'm not sure this is a good idea for enterprise startups building closed-sourced software. As a software architect, some things you just don't delegate. Code Reiews are some of the most important things I do. But (and please don't downvote me for this, I know there's an instant reaction to downvote anything blockchain related) for DAO's this would be amazing.

A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) might be running a software as a service. But it might not have any full time employees. It might not have any employees at all. A lot of updates to the software might come from random people (or bots). The DAO will need to evaluate and pay for any of those updates before it decides to merge the pull request. A code review as a service would be an absolutely invaluable tool for a DAO with a software product that doesn't have any full time architects to perform the service.

I didn't downvote you, but I'd love to hear some situations in which this hypothetical DAO would be comfortable running code that it (where "it" means "an engineer who has a stake in the DAO and so is invested in its success") had not reviewed? How would it trust the results of this review? I'm trying to remain open-minded and curious about blockchain-related use-cases.

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