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You are right.

What is a good idea however, is to implement a TLSv1.3 library in Visual Basic 6[1], that doesn't have any external dependencies, by embedding machine code for AES encryption generated with MSVC in the source code, that you patch into memory at runtime, by using all sorts of tricks to do things in VB6 that you aren't supposed to do in VB6. Yes, that VB6, that was released in 1998, superseded by VB.NET in 2002. Because Microsoft has just announced it's supported on Windows 11.[2] So when developing new software, why not use something future-proof? ;)

[1] https://github.com/wqweto/VbAsyncSocket

[2] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstu...

The amount of corporate cognitive dissonance required to refuse to acknowledge that dropping VB was a huge mistake and yet continue to support it - because it’s still widely used because it’s so effective - over 25 years must be staggering.

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