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You go around, survey the opening hours posted on local restaurants (I usually take a photo, and don't copy and paste from other sources as this normally goes against their T&C) and then add these to openstreetmap.org.

Then next time apps like organicmaps.app update, you'll have all the local opening hours for restaurants and things directly on your device.

I have found that places usually change opening houes by an hour or two.

And if anyone reads this and thinks: "well, that sounds like a chore", this is the only solution I've found that:

1. Is under an open data license

2. Is easily editable as a normal user

3. Isn't backed by "Big Tech" that can wall it off

4. At least has apps that make the data searchable in an offline way

5. Fully exposes the data in open formats (just zoom in on the map, right click on an object and press "Query features" for a basic example or see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Databases_and_data_acces... )

But like anything else, you need people to contribute to it.

For an actually easy-to-use method for collecting opening hours (and lots of other data, if you're interested): https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete/#download

Shout out to the open source Android app Street Complete, which shows you a map indicating missing OSM data points and lets you easily contribute (opening hours, road surfaces, house numbers etc.)

Available in the Play Store and on F-Droid. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.westnordost... https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.westnordost.streetcomplet...

Edit: Vinnl beat me to it. I need to refresh more often :)

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