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> On July 26, 2021, Austin Huang (maintainer of Barinsta) received a cease & desist letter from Perkins Coie LLP, a law firm representing Facebook. As a result, Barinsta is no longer maintained or distributed.

I had been a user of Barinsta, until the creator was hit with legal threats from Facebook.

It was then when I saw it clear that these types of projects are better to be developed anonymously, so without any address or name, the legal department wouldn't have anywhere to send their letter.

At most they might ask GitHub to close the repo, so probably a Git provider from overseas would also be a good idea. In general: don't host the code in the same country of the company you will be pissing off.

> In general: don't host the code in the same country of the company you will be pissing off.

Even better would be having automated mirrors on multiple providers, plus a private git instance to make sure you have your repos.

The big problem with our society is that somehow there apparently are laws that would protect these companies from adversarial interoperability, so these threats actually have teeth. I kinda wish to see one of such cases brought to a court to see it ruled in favor of the developer.

Adversarial interoperability is an oxymoron. It's a company being adversarial and not wanting to interoperate.

Thanks for setting me straight!

> At most they might ask GitHub to close the repo

There are also reports of Instagram accounts being banned for using Barinsta.

Yeah. Would be nice if there was a git hosting tor hidden service.

Facebook is accessible via tor whats the point in yet another hosted service over tor?

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