Rui Ueyama is one of the most interesting coders of our age. chibicc in particular is one of the loveliest projects I've seen. I found it so captivating that when it got posted to HN last year I dropped what I was doing for a month just to hack on it. It's rare to find codebases with enough clarity to be educational. I learned so much reading his chibicc code. For example, in a world where the orthodox solution to these kinds of things is to use Bison or Antlr, the thought never would have occurred to me before that writing a parser in C could be so easy. That's how I was able to write an assembler for it. Rui is also living proof that the will and motivation to simplify also generalizes to the ability to create production-quality tools with superior performance, as evidenced by Mold. Very exciting to see his work take off.
Yeah, but he refused to protect his unicode identifiers, and just went with the C committee solution to provide no solution to Unicode identifier security. I expected better.
He's probably talking about I'm not sure what he wants to see happen here but I remember him asking me for a timing safe memcmp function in Cosmopolitan a while back and it's hard to refuse a small reasonable demand.