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Finally a Facebook exec that tells it exactly how it is. Facebook should not be the information police. Individuals are 100 percent responsible for what they say and do. If someone makes a threat on Facebook, it’s not facebooks fault. The same goes for misinformation. People can get tricked by things but they can also learn. Look at the traditional media. People have learned that they all have their own biases and now it is no longer trusted. The same happens on Facebook. You cheer for a friend or a group for a bit then they say something totally stupid and stop cheering. People are not all mindless drones no matter how much “they are rather ones brainwashed and dumb, not me” people say there is. It’s always “not me” who is wrong. Not to mention even if they are wrong that there should be enough faith people will eventually learn. I love this Facebook execs comments and the way he brings back personal responsibility for what individuals post.

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